Currently the majority of hair transplant operations are performed by Fue method . Almost all patients usually prefer to Fue method due to no surgical cutting of scalp like FUT method is required and is taken ultimate result on hair transplant surgery . Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a technique that involves using a small (0.8 or 1.0 mm) punch to extract follicular units from a patient’s donor area. Extreme care must be taken not to transect or sever the underlying hair follicle. Hair in the donor area must be cut very short for FUE. After that grafts are extracted from the donor site one by one and each graft is transplanted on recipient site on an individual basis . Operation is performed under local anesthesia and takes round about 6-7 hours .
FUE is one of the latest methods used since 2004 . With Fue method operation time is shorter than the FUT method and in this method there will be no linear donor scar at the donor site . Indeed the healing process of the scalp is around 7-8 days. Using Fue method maximum 4000-5000 grafts can be transplanted in one session in this way the patients can reach the best result with maximum graft . If needed with this method more than one session should be performed with 6 months interval . After the operation , patient should rest 1 or 2 days then he can return the daily life .